We begin this week’s “RUFF TAILS” featuring a beautiful 10-week-old Boxer named Felix.
This is our new baby Felix. Felix is full of personality and love. He loves to be held, cuddles and yes piggyback rides.
He even went trick or treating with my son this year. Felix welcomes you with excitement and the classic wiggly bottom bringing a smile to your face daily.
Welcome to Doggie Dialogue
Dogs are susceptible to the same type of cancer as humans. Cancer is caused by the uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. These cells can originate in any of the body’s tissues. If not caught in time, cancer can expand and connect with the lymphatic system or circulatory system and can also spread and infect other tissues in the body.
K9 cancer is the leading cause of death for dogs 10 years of age and older. Half of all cancer is treatable if found in the early stages.
The most common types of cancer in dogs are Lymphoma, Mast cell tumors, Osteosarcoma, Brain Tumours, and Melanoma to name a few.
Some signs of cancer in dogs are easy to spot and others are not. Here are some of the most common signs of cancer in dogs: abdominal swelling, non-healing wounds or sores, lumps and bumps underneath the dog’s skin, change in appetite, lethargy and difficulty breathing.
Not all tumors will be outwardly evident. Most owners commonly find a tumor while petting or bathing their K9. If you find a lump or bump, we recommend booking an appointment with your vet.
Your vet will want to do a needle aspirate to get cells from the tumor to get a diagnosis on the type of tumor.
Cancer treatment decisions will be based on the age of your K9, tumor type, stage of the cancer, and general health of your dog.
Treatments can be surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or holistic and herbal therapy.
Sometime the above treatment can be combined.
Every cancer has treatment options. We recommend for you to consider having a wellness K9 check up with your vet every year to oversee your canine’s general health.